Bamboo shrimps are found abundantly in Malaysia and Indo Pacific regions. Usually, they occupy spaces in large groups and can be seen in slow rivers and streams feeding on small organisms. By nature, the bamboo shrimp is very calm which makes it easy to adjust in the tanks with other fishes and species.
Very often the bamboo shrimp is sold under different names and that is because of the variety in its looks. An adult bamboo shrimp’s height can be around 4 inches. Depending on the conditions in which they are living the bamboo shrimps stay alive for two to three years at the maximum. It is very unfortunate that the bamboo shrimps die if they are moved to any other tank. This happens because of the stress they face when they are moved around.
A bamboo shrimp is usually seen in brown, red, green or yellowish shades. The colour of the shrimp is largely dependent upon the place from where it was caught, variety in its diet, tank plants in the tank and the shedding process of the shrimps. Therefore you cannot predict what colour the shrimp would show when it shifts tanks. The fan-shaped leg it has helps it to capture small organisms and plant remnants.
1 X 10 KG IF
U/5, 4/6, 6/8, 8/12, 12/15, 15/18
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